منتدى فيجوال بيسك لكل العرب | منتدى المبرمجين العرب
مساعدة في تطبيق هذا الكود - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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+---- الموضوع : مساعدة في تطبيق هذا الكود (/showthread.php?tid=18278)

مساعدة في تطبيق هذا الكود - bidaya - 06-12-16

وجدت هذا الكود لتعبئة القائمة العلوية للبرنامج ان صح تعبيري ولم اتمكن وضعه بالطريقة الصحيحة ارجو من الاساتذة الكرام المساعدة وشكرا

كود :
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSaveFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetSaveFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Private Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _
 Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
 ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _
  Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
  ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) _
  As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _
ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, _
ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
                           (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
                           ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

Private Const HTCAPTION = 2
Private Const GWL_STYLE As Long = (-16&)
Private Const WS_THICKFRAME As Long = &H40000
Private Const WS_BORDER = &H800000
Private Const WS_MINIMIZEBOX As Long = &H20000
Private Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX As Long = &H10000
Private Const SWP_FRAMECHANGED = &H20
Private Const SWP_NOZORDER = &H4
Private Const SWP_NOMOVE = 2
Private Const SWP_NOSIZE = 1

Dim WithEvents objDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim WithEvents objWind As MSHTML.HTMLWindow2
Dim objEvent As CEventObj
Dim qv(6) As Long
Dim wndfrm() As PlayerForm
Dim frmcnt As Integer
Dim submenuval() As String
Dim mxmnu As Long
Dim openfile As OPENFILENAME
Dim qchick As Integer
Dim frmwm As Long
Dim frmhm As Long
Dim webwm As Long
Dim webhm As Long
Dim fr1wm As Long
Dim fr1hm As Long
Dim QualOp As Integer
Dim windstt As Boolean
Dim wdmnn As Long
Dim hemnn As Long
Dim frm4top As Long
Dim frm5left As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Dim fresult As String
Dim tim5int As Integer
Dim tim6int As Integer
Dim PlayMode As Integer
Dim chlmodf As String
Dim RcdServ As RecordServer
Dim mnunum As Integer
Dim targeturl As String
Dim targetcaption As String
Dim ChannelUrl(2, 50) As String
Public Sub ShowResultinVBApplication(strResultfromJavascript As String)
fresult = strResultfromJavascript
End Sub
Private Function GetbyetSource(sUrl As String, pData As String, cData As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim abdata() As Byte
Dim txtcode As String

txtcode = StrConv(abdata, vbUnicode)
reslt2 = GetSourceCode(sUrl, "", "")
reslt1 = Split(reslt2, "<script>")
reslt = Split(reslt1(1), "document.cookie")
txtcode = txtcode + reslt(0)
ScriptControl1.language = "JavaScript"
ScriptControl1.timeout = NoTimeout
ScriptControl1.AddObject "Any text you want", Me, True
ScriptControl1.AddCode txtcode
fresult = ""
ScriptControl1.Run "GetCookie", ""
While fresult = ""
GetbyetSource = GetSourceCode(sUrl, pData, fresult)
   Exit Function
   Dim E As ErrObject: Set E = err
End Function

Private Function FileSaveDialog()
Dim sFilter As String
openfile.lStructSize = Len(openfile)
sFilter = "Manifest List Files (*.b3u)" & Chr(0) & "*.b3u" & Chr(0)
openfile.lpstrFilter = sFilter
openfile.nFilterIndex = 1
openfile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0)
openfile.nMaxFile = Len(openfile.lpstrFile) + 3
openfile.lpstrFileTitle = openfile.lpstrFile
openfile.nMaxFileTitle = openfile.nMaxFile
openfile.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\"
openfile.lpstrTitle = "Select File"
openfile.FLAGS = 0
lReturn = GetSaveFileName(openfile)
FileSaveDialog = openfile.lpstrFile
End Function
Private Function GetSourceCode(sUrl As String, pData As String, cData As String) As String
Dim Http As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Dim httpsndtxt As String
Dim ftcstr() As String
Dim dlong As Long
Dim colng As Long
dlong = Len(pData)
colng = Len(cData)
httpsndtxt = ""
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
   ftcstr = Split(sUrl, "/")
   Set Http = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
If dlong = 0 Then
   Http.open "GET", sUrl, False
   Http.open "POST", sUrl, False
End If
   Http.setRequestHeader "Host", ftcstr(2)
   Http.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:43.0)Gecko/20100101 Firefox/43.0"
   Http.setRequestHeader "Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
   Http.setRequestHeader "Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"
   Http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
   If colng <> 0 Then
   Http.setRequestHeader "Cookie", cData
   End If
   Http.setRequestHeader "Connection", "keep -alive"
   Http.setRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "max-age=0"
   If dlong <> 0 Then
   Http.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", LTrim(Str(dlong))
   httpsndtxt = pData
   End If
   Http.Option(WinHttpRequestOption_SslErrorIgnoreFlags) = &H3300
   Http.send httpsndtxt
   GetSourceCode = Http.responseText
   Set Http = Nothing
   Exit Function
   Dim E As ErrObject: Set E = err
End Function
Private Function FileOpenDialog()
Dim sFilter As String
openfile.lStructSize = Len(openfile)
sFilter = "Manifest List Files (*.b3u)" & Chr(0) & "*.b3u" & Chr(0)
openfile.lpstrFilter = sFilter
openfile.nFilterIndex = 1
openfile.lpstrFile = String(257, 0)
openfile.nMaxFile = Len(openfile.lpstrFile) - 1
openfile.lpstrFileTitle = openfile.lpstrFile
openfile.nMaxFileTitle = openfile.nMaxFile
openfile.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\"
openfile.lpstrTitle = "Select File"
openfile.FLAGS = 0
lReturn = GetOpenFileName(openfile)
FileOpenDialog = openfile.lpstrFile
End Function
Private Function BaseShuffle(sStr As String, ShuffleMap As String) As String
mpmem = Split(ShuffleMap, ",")
For shfi = 1 To UBound(mpmem) + 1
BaseShuffle = BaseShuffle + Mid(sStr, mpmem(shfi - 1), 1)
End Function
Private Function Shuffle(sStr As String) As String
ccount = Fix(Len(sStr) / 20)
For ispf = 1 To ccount
Shuffle = Shuffle + BaseShuffle(Mid(sStr, (ispf - 1) * 20 + 1, 20), "9,15,4,16,2,7,19,5,12,20,8,14,17,11,3,18,6,13,1,10")
Shuffle = Shuffle + Mid(sStr, ccount * 20 + 1, Len(sStr) - ccount * 20)
End Function
Private Function DeShuffle(sStr As String) As String
ccount = Fix(Len(sStr) / 20)
For ispf = 1 To ccount
DeShuffle = DeShuffle + BaseShuffle(Mid(sStr, (ispf - 1) * 20 + 1, 20), "19,5,15,3,8,17,6,11,1,20,14,9,18,12,2,4,13,16,7,10")
DeShuffle = DeShuffle + Mid(sStr, ccount * 20 + 1, Len(sStr) - ccount * 20)
End Function
Private Function SetQuality(mxv As Long, mnv As Long)
On Error Resume Next
w1.Document.parentWindow.execScript "setquality(" + LTrim(Str(mxv)) + "," + LTrim(Str(mnv)) + ");", "JScript"
End Function
Private Function MakeDWord(ByVal LoWord As Integer, ByVal HiWord As Integer) As Long
MakeDWord = (HiWord * &H10000) Or (LoWord And &HFFFF&)
End Function
Private Function Hex2String(nStr As String) As String
For i = 1 To Len(nStr) / 2
Hex2String = Hex2String + Chr(Val("&H" + Mid(nStr, i * 2 - 1, 2)))
End Function
Public Function String2Hex(nStr As String) As String
For i = 1 To Len(nStr)
String2Hex = String2Hex + Hex(Asc(Mid(nStr, i, 1)))
End Function
Private Sub Form_DblClick()
If Me.WindowState = 0 Then
   ' // Toggle Forms Borderstyle //
   Call SetWindowLong(Me.hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Me.hWnd, GWL_STYLE) Xor _
'   Call SetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_STYLE) Xor _
   Call SetWindowPos(Me.hWnd, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, 0&, SWP_NOMOVE Or _
If windstt = False Then
windstt = True
Me.flmn.Visible = False
Me.vwmn.Visible = False
Me.qlmn.Visible = False
Me.chmn.Visible = False
Me.mmod.Visible = False
Me.hlp.Visible = False
Me.Width = Me.Width - wdmnn
Me.Height = Me.Height - hemnn
Me.Left = Me.Left + wdmnn / 2
Me.Top = Me.Top + hemnn - wdmnn
windstt = False
Me.flmn.Visible = True
Me.vwmn.Visible = True
Me.qlmn.Visible = True
Me.chmn.Visible = True
Me.mmod.Visible = True
Me.hlp.Visible = True
Me.Width = Me.Width + wdmnn
Me.Height = Me.Height + hemnn
Me.Left = Me.Left - wdmnn / 2
Me.Top = Me.Top - hemnn + wdmnn
End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub atup_Click()
On Error GoTo extt
capol = Caption
Caption = "Updating...."
Dim gtxt As String
Dim uurl As String
uurl = MainForm.GetAutoURL
gtxt = GetbyetSource(uurl, "", "")
gtxt = Replace(gtxt, "</span>", "")
gtxt = Replace(gtxt, "<wbr />", "")
gtxt = Replace(gtxt, "<span class=""word_break"">", "")
gtxt = Replace(gtxt, "<span>", "")
gtxtex = Split(gtxt, "fcestarttag123456789")
gtxtexx = Split(gtxtex(1), "fceendtag123456789")
gtxt = gtxtexx(0)
gtxt = Hex2String(gtxt)
gtxt = Replace(gtxt, "|", vbNewLine)
gtxt = Shuffle(gtxt)
MainForm.UpdateChannelList gtxt
Caption = capol
Exit Sub
Caption = capol
MsgBox "Error: Can't Connect to the Server" + vbNewLine + "Just exit and retry" + vbNewLine + "You Can add the Channel List Manually in the player", vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub
Function FormCount(ByVal frmName As String) As Long
   Dim frm As Form
   For Each frm In Forms
       If StrComp(frm.Name, frmName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
           FormCount = FormCount + 1
       End If
End Function
Private Sub exmn_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
wdmnn = Me.Width - Me.ScaleWidth
hemnn = Me.Height - Me.ScaleHeight
frm4top = Frame4.Top
frm5left = Frame5.Left
tim5int = 0
PlayMode = 0
QualOp = MainForm.GetQualityOP
qchick = 0
mxmnu = 0
windstt = False
Top = (Screen.Height - Height) / 3
Left = (Screen.Width - Width) / 2
w1.Navigate "about:blank"
w1.Document.write "<Body bgcolor=""Black""><body>"
w1.Navigate ("")

w1.Visible = True

qv(1) = 450000
qv(2) = 600000
qv(3) = 1200000
qv(4) = 1800000
qv(5) = 2600000
qv(6) = 3400000
frmwm = Me.ScaleWidth
frmhm = Me.ScaleHeight
webwm = w1.Width
webhm = w1.Height
fr1wm = Frame1.Width
fr1hm = Frame1.Height
Timer4.Interval = 500
End Sub

Private Sub Form_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
If Button = vbLeftButton Then
       Call ReleaseCapture
       Call SendMessage(hWnd, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0&)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
If Me.WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
w1.Width = webwm + Me.ScaleWidth - frmwm
w1.Height = webhm + Me.ScaleHeight - frmhm
Frame1.Width = fr1wm + Me.ScaleWidth - frmwm
Frame1.Height = fr1hm + Me.ScaleHeight - frmhm
Frame2.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
Frame3.Height = Me.ScaleHeight
Frame4.Width = Me.ScaleWidth
Frame4.Top = frm4top - frmhm + Me.ScaleHeight
Frame5.Height = Me.ScaleHeight
Frame5.Left = frm5left - frmwm + Me.ScaleWidth
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Frame1_DblClick()
End Sub

Private Sub Frame2_DblClick()
End Sub

Private Sub Frame2_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Form_MouseDown Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub
Private Sub Frame3_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Form_MouseDown Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub
Private Sub Frame4_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Form_MouseDown Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub Frame3_DblClick()
End Sub

Private Sub Frame4_DblClick()
End Sub

Private Sub Frame5_DblClick()
End Sub
Private Sub Frame5_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Form_MouseDown Button, Shift, x, y
End Sub

Private Sub item0_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim ChURL As String
ChURL = ChannelUrl(0, Index)
targeturl = ChURL
targetcaption = item0(Index).Caption
Timer7.Interval = 100
End Sub
Private Sub item1_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim ChURL As String
ChURL = ChannelUrl(1, Index)
targeturl = ChURL
targetcaption = item1(Index).Caption
Timer7.Interval = 100
End Sub
Private Sub item2_Click(Index As Integer)
Dim ChURL As String
ChURL = ChannelUrl(2, Index)
targeturl = ChURL
targetcaption = item2(Index).Caption
Timer7.Interval = 100
End Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
mouse_event &H2, 0, 0, 0, 0
mouse_event &H4, 0, 0, 0, 0
Timer1.Interval = Timer1.Interval - 1
End Sub

Private Sub Timer7_Timer()
chlmodf = targeturl + "&rnd=" + LTrim(Str(GetTickCount))
Dim rstprt As Long
Timer7.Interval = Timer7.Interval - 50
w1.Visible = False
w1.Navigate "about:blank"
'MsgBox "" + submenuval(Index) + "&rnd=" + LTrim(Str(GetTickCount))
If PlayMode = 1 Then
chlmodf = Replace(chlmodf, GetURLHost(chlmodf), "")
ElseIf PlayMode = 2 Then
chlmodf = Replace(chlmodf, GetURLHost(chlmodf), "")
ElseIf PlayMode = 3 Then
Set RcdServ = New RecordServer
RcdServ.Visible = False
rstprt = RcdServ.StartServer(43157, "", 0, "") 'Mid(GetTextMD5HashCode(Caption), 1, 8))
chlmodf = Replace(chlmodf, GetURLHost(chlmodf), "" + LTrim(Str(rstprt)))
End If
w1.Navigate ("" + String2Hex(chlmodf))
w1.Visible = True
Caption = targetcaption
If QualOp = 1 Then
Timer2.Interval = 5000
Timer3.Interval = 10000
ElseIf QualOp = 2 Then
Timer2.Interval = 5000
qvm(0).Checked = True
qvm(1).Checked = False
qvm(2).Checked = False
qvm(3).Checked = False
qvm(4).Checked = False
qvm(5).Checked = False
qvm(6).Checked = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub urmn_Click()
Dim manifs As String
manifs = InputBox("You Can Play Any Channel Manually..." + vbNewLine + " Just Type it's Manifest URL", "Please Type Manifest Url")
If manifs <> "" Then
'mnunum = 3
targeturl = manifs
targetcaption = manifs
'w1.Visible = False
'w1.Navigate ("" + manifs)
'w1.Visible = True
'Caption = manifs
Timer7.Interval = 100
End If
End Sub

Private Sub w1_NavigateComplete2(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
Set objDoc = w1.Document
Set objWind = objDoc.parentWindow
End Sub
Private Sub objWind_onerror(ByVal description As String, ByVal URL As String, ByVal line As Long)
Set objEvent = objWind.event
objEvent.returnValue = True
'MsgBox (description)
End Sub
Public Function ListInit()
chlst = MainForm.GetChannelList
chlstspl = Split(chlst, "<MainMenu>" + vbNewLine)
For i = 1 To UBound(chlstspl)
chl = Split(chlstspl(i), vbNewLine)
list(i - 1).Caption = chl(0)
list(i - 1).Visible = True
For k = 1 To UBound(chl) '- 1
If Not (k = UBound(chl) And i <> UBound(chlstspl)) Then
texturl = Split(chl(k), "|")
SetTextValue i - 1, k - 1, texturl(0) + ""
ChannelUrl(i - 1, k - 1) = texturl(1)
End If
End Function
Public Function SetTextValue(ItemID As Integer, ItemIndex As Integer, ItemValue As String)
If ItemID = 0 Then
If ItemIndex <> 0 Then
Load item0(ItemIndex)
End If
item0(ItemIndex).Caption = ItemValue
End If
If ItemID = 1 Then
If ItemIndex <> 0 Then
Load item1(ItemIndex)
End If
item1(ItemIndex).Caption = ItemValue
End If
If ItemID = 2 Then
If ItemIndex <> 0 Then
Load item2(ItemIndex)
End If
item2(ItemIndex).Caption = ItemValue
End If

End Function
Private Function GetURLHost(tURL As String) As String
urlfrag = Split(tURL, "/")
GetURLHost = urlfrag(2)
End Function
Private Sub Loadrcdserv()
On Error Resume Next
Load RcdServ
End Sub
Private Sub unLoadrcdserv()
On Error Resume Next
Unload RcdServ
End Sub

كود :
Dim lstscy As Integer
Private Sub Form_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Winsock(0).LocalPort = 51234
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock_Close(Index As Integer)
Unload Winsock(Index)
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long)
lstscy = lstscy + 1
Load Winsock(lstscy)
Winsock(lstscy).accept requestID
End Sub
Private Sub Winsock_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim txtdt As String
Dim abdata() As Byte
Dim hdtxt As String
Dim txtsend As String
Dim fnlarr() As String
Winsock(Index).GetData txtdt, 8, bytesTotal
resid = Val(Mid(txtdt, 6, 3))
abdata = LoadResData(resid, "CUSTOM")
If resid = 105 Then
frsarr = Split(txtdt, "HTTP")
fnlarr = Split(frsarr(0), "?manifest=")
txtsend = StrConv(abdata, vbUnicode)
'MsgBox fnlarr(1)
txtsend = Replace(txtsend, "[ManifestTokenHere]", Hex2String(fnlarr(1)))
hdtxt = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + vbNewLine + "Content-Length: " + LTrim(Str(Len(txtsend))) + vbNewLine + "Content-Type: " + "text/html" + vbNewLine
Winsock(Index).SendData hdtxt + vbNewLine
Winsock(Index).SendData txtsend
Erase frsarr
Erase fnlarr
hdtxt = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" + vbNewLine + "Content-Length: " + LTrim(Str(UBound(abdata) + 1)) + vbNewLine + "Content-Type: " + "text/plain" + vbNewLine
Winsock(Index).SendData hdtxt + vbNewLine
Winsock(Index).SendData abdata
End If
End Sub
Private Function Hex2String(nStr As String) As String
For i = 1 To Len(nStr) / 2
Hex2String = Hex2String + Chr(Val("&H" + Mid(nStr, i * 2 - 1, 2)))
End Function
اريدتعبئة القائمة الي بالصورة التالية