تقييم الموضوع :
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Q1. [3 Marks] A CPU consists of a waiting memory space (buffer or cache) with N registers and
a processing-memory space. If there are no tasks to be processed, the processor will be in the
ready status (which can be considered as a sleeping state). If a task enters the processing-memory
space, the processor will start processing the task in the processing-memory (think of this as the
processor being wake-up from his sleeping state). If the task comes in and processor is busy
(processing another task in the processing-memory), but there are available free registers in the
buffer, the task takes one of the registers and waits until the processor will be free. Otherwise, if
all registers in the buffer are occupied (busy), then the task terminates from CPU (will be out
from all CPU). Write a program to coordinate this scenario using one of the following computer
languages: C, C++, C# or Java[/align]
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
(15-03-15, 05:42 PM)غموؤضي كبريآء كتب :
السلام عليكم
مسآ الخير
شحالكم ؟

لو سمحتو معي سؤآل بالاسايمنت
ومآ عرفت كيف آحله ..  Confused

فالللي بيسآعدني بكون ممنونهـ له ..

هذآ السؤآل :

Q1. [3 Marks] A CPU consists of a waiting memory space (buffer or cache) with N registers and
a processing-memory space. If there are no tasks to be processed, the processor will be in the
ready status (which can be considered as a sleeping state). If a task enters the processing-memory
space, the processor will start processing the task in the processing-memory (think of this as the
processor being wake-up from his sleeping state). If the task comes in and processor is busy
(processing another task in the processing-memory), but there are available free registers in the
buffer, the task takes one of the registers and waits until the processor will be free. Otherwise, if
all registers in the buffer are occupied (busy), then the task terminates from CPU (will be out
from all CPU). Write a program to coordinate this scenario using one of the following computer
languages: C, C++, C# or Java

هذا اسايمنت مستر خالد بجامعة صحار
رااح اخبرر هههههههه
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
(20-03-15, 06:10 PM)Ahmed AL-saidi كتب :
(15-03-15, 05:42 PM)غموؤضي كبريآء كتب :
السلام عليكم
مسآ الخير
شحالكم ؟

لو سمحتو معي سؤآل بالاسايمنت
ومآ عرفت كيف آحله ..  Confused

فالللي بيسآعدني بكون ممنونهـ له ..

هذآ السؤآل :

Q1. [3 Marks] A CPU consists of a waiting memory space (buffer or cache) with N registers and
a processing-memory space. If there are no tasks to be processed, the processor will be in the
ready status (which can be considered as a sleeping state). If a task enters the processing-memory
space, the processor will start processing the task in the processing-memory (think of this as the
processor being wake-up from his sleeping state). If the task comes in and processor is busy
(processing another task in the processing-memory), but there are available free registers in the
buffer, the task takes one of the registers and waits until the processor will be free. Otherwise, if
all registers in the buffer are occupied (busy), then the task terminates from CPU (will be out
from all CPU). Write a program to coordinate this scenario using one of the following computer
languages: C, C++, C# or Java

هذا اسايمنت مستر خالد بجامعة صحار
رااح اخبرر هههههههه

مــا هذا الـرد !!..
اخي هنا الكل يتعلم ..
وانتي اختي .. هنا لا يجب وضع اسـاله كهذه .. هنا يمكنك وضع مشكله حدثت معك .. وباذن الله تجدي لها حل .. اما حل اختبارات كاملاً فلن تجدي ..!

[صورة مرفقة: g5qidgW.jpg]

ســبحــانك الـلهم بـحمدك , الـلهم لا عــلم لـنا الى مــأ علــمتــنا , الـلهـم علــمنـا ما جــهلـنا وانــفـعنــا بــما عــلمــتنـا انــك انـتَ الـسـميع الــعلــيم الـحكـيم ~~!I!

الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
(22-03-15, 09:19 AM)a_almisery كتب :
(20-03-15, 06:10 PM)Ahmed AL-saidi كتب :
(15-03-15, 05:42 PM)غموؤضي كبريآء كتب :
السلام عليكم
مسآ الخير
شحالكم ؟

لو سمحتو معي سؤآل بالاسايمنت
ومآ عرفت كيف آحله ..  Confused

فالللي بيسآعدني بكون ممنونهـ له ..

هذآ السؤآل :

Q1. [3 Marks] A CPU consists of a waiting memory space (buffer or cache) with N registers and
a processing-memory space. If there are no tasks to be processed, the processor will be in the
ready status (which can be considered as a sleeping state). If a task enters the processing-memory
space, the processor will start processing the task in the processing-memory (think of this as the
processor being wake-up from his sleeping state). If the task comes in and processor is busy
(processing another task in the processing-memory), but there are available free registers in the
buffer, the task takes one of the registers and waits until the processor will be free. Otherwise, if
all registers in the buffer are occupied (busy), then the task terminates from CPU (will be out
from all CPU). Write a program to coordinate this scenario using one of the following computer
languages: C, C++, C# or Java

هذا اسايمنت مستر خالد بجامعة صحار
رااح اخبرر هههههههه

مــا هذا الـرد !!..
اخي هنا الكل يتعلم ..
وانتي اختي .. هنا لا يجب وضع اسـاله كهذه .. هنا يمكنك وضع مشكله حدثت معك .. وباذن الله تجدي لها حل .. اما حل اختبارات كاملاً فلن تجدي ..!

وانت شدخلك بالموضوع ؟؟؟

لا يكون المنتدى باسمك وما عندنا خبر بسس !!! Big Grin
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
يب كلام مستر a_almisery صحيح @_@
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
الحين ويش المطلوب بالضبط
برنامج يتحكم في رجسترات الcpu ولا شنو
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم