تقييم الموضوع :
  • 0 أصوات - بمعدل 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
التفقيط فى الكريستال ريبورت
السلام عليكم
بحثت كثيرا عن طريقة التفقيط فى الكريستال ريبورت دون الوصول الى نتيجة
اريد formula  فى الكريستال ريبورت تظهر التفقيط باللغة العربية فى التقرير 
اتمني ان اجد الحل لديكم ان شاء الله
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
Public Class ClassConvertNO
Public Function ConvertToArabic(ByVal Str As String) As String
Dim IntStr As String = ""
Dim Frac As String = ""
Dim Result As String = ""
Dim L As Integer = Str.Length ' To Get The Length Of The Original Text
Dim M As Integer = Str.IndexOf(".") ' To Get The location Of Decimal Sign
If M > 0 Then
IntStr = Str.Remove(M, L - M) 'To Get Number Without Fractions
Frac = Str.Remove(0, M + 1) 'To Get Number With Fractions
ElseIf M = 0 Then : Frac = Str.Remove(0, M + 1)
ElseIf M < 0 Then : IntStr = Str : End If
If IntStr <> Nothing Then IntStr = Get_IntStr_A(IntStr)
'my addation Is here
If Frac.Length = 1 Then Frac += "0"
If Frac <> Nothing Then Frac = Get_IntStr_A(Frac)
If IntStr <> Nothing Then Result = "# " & IntStr & " جنبه "
If Frac <> Nothing Then Result &= "و " & Frac & " قرش "
Result &= "فقط لا غير " & "#"

Return Result
End Function

Private Function Get_IntStr_A(ByRef S As String) As String
Dim Result As String
'Chek If S >= 11 And <= 19
If Val(S) >= 11 And Val(S) <= 19 Then
S = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_A(S)
S = S.Remove(0, 1) : Return S : Exit Function
End If
Dim I As Integer
' Dim ROnes, RTens, RHun, RThus, RTenThus, RHunThus, RMln, RTenMln, RHunMln As String

Dim ROnes As String = "" : Dim RTens As String = "" : Dim RHun As String = ""
Dim RThus As String = "" : Dim RTenThus As String = "" : Dim RHunThus As String = ""
Dim RMln As String = "" : Dim RTenMln As String = "" : Dim RHunMln As String = ""
Dim SSS As String = "" : Dim J As Integer

Dim L As Integer = S.Length
For I = S.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Val(S.Chars(I)) > 0 Then
Select Case I
Case L - 1 : ROnes = Get_Ones_A(S.Chars(I))
Case L - 2
For J = 0 To 7
If L = J + 2 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTens = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_A(SSS) : ROnes = Nothing
Else : RTens = Get_Tens_A(S.Chars(I)) : End If
Case L - 3 : RHun = Get_Hundreds_A(S.Chars(I))
Case L - 4 : RThus = Get_Thousands_A(S.Chars(I))
End Select
If L > 4 Then
Select Case I
Case L - 4 : RThus = Get_Ones_A(S.Chars(I))
If (S.Chars(L - 5)) = "0" Then
RThus &= " ألف "
End If
Case L - 5
For J = 0 To 4
If L = J + 5 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTenThus = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_A(SSS) : RThus = Nothing
Else : RTenThus = Get_Tens_A(S.Chars(I)) : End If
RTenThus &= " ألف "
Case L - 6 : RHunThus = Get_Hundreds_A(S.Chars(I))
If RTenThus = Nothing Then RHunThus &= " ألف "
Case L - 7
If L = 7 Then : RMln = Get_Ones_A(S.Chars(I)) & " مليون "
Else : RMln = Get_Ones_A(S.Chars(I)) : End If
Case L - 8
For J = 0 To 2
If L = J + 8 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTenMln = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_A(SSS) : RMln = Nothing
Else : RTenMln = Get_Tens_A(S.Chars(I)) : End If
If L = 8 Then RTenMln &= " مليون "
Case L - 9 : RHunMln = Get_Hundreds_A(S.Chars(I))
If L = 9 Then
RHunMln &= RMln & RTenMln & " مليون "
RTenMln = Nothing : RMln = Nothing
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Result = RHunMln & RMln & RTenMln & RHunThus & RThus & RTenThus & RHun & ROnes & RTens
Result = Result.Remove(0, 1)
Dim RR As String
Dim II As Integer = Result.IndexOf("*")
If II >= 0 Then : RR = Result.Replace("*", " و")
Else : RR = Result
End If
Return RR
End Function

Private Function Get_ValuesBN_11_19_A(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 11 : S = "*أحد عشر"
Case 12 : S = "*إثنـى عشر"
Case 13 : S = "*ثلاثة عشر"
Case 14 : S = "*أربعة عشر"
Case 15 : S = "*خمسة عشر"
Case 16 : S = "*ستة عشر"
Case 17 : S = "*سبعة عشر"
Case 18 : S = "*ثمانية عشر"
Case 19 : S = "*تسعة عشر"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Ones_A(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*واحد"
Case 2 : S = "*إثنـين"
Case 3 : S = "*ثلاثة"
Case 4 : S = "*أربعة"
Case 5 : S = "*خمسة"
Case 6 : S = "*ستة"
Case 7 : S = "*سبعة"
Case 8 : S = "*ثمانية"
Case 9 : S = "*تسعة"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Tens_A(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*عشره"
Case 2 : S = "*عشرون"
Case 3 : S = "*ثلاثون"
Case 4 : S = "*أربعون"
Case 5 : S = "*خمسون"
Case 6 : S = "*ستون"
Case 7 : S = "*سبعون"
Case 8 : S = "*ثمانون"
Case 9 : S = "*تسعون"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Hundreds_A(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*مائه"
Case 2 : S = "*مائتان"
Case 3 : S = "*ثلاثمائه"
Case 4 : S = "*أربعمائه"
Case 5 : S = "*خمسائه"
Case 6 : S = "*ستمائه"
Case 7 : S = "*سبعمائه"
Case 8 : S = "*ثمانمائه"
Case 9 : S = "*تسعمائه"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Thousands_A(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*ألف"
Case 2 : S = "*الفان"
Case 3 : S = "*ثلاثة آلاف"
Case 4 : S = "*أربعة آلاف"
Case 5 : S = "*خمسة آلاف"
Case 6 : S = "*ستة آلاف"
Case 7 : S = "*سبعة آلاف"
Case 8 : S = "*ثمانية آلاف"
Case 9 : S = "*تسعة آلاف"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Public Function ConvertToEnglish(ByVal Str As String)
Dim IntStr As String = "" : Dim Frac As String = ""
Dim Result As String = ""
Dim L As Integer = Str.Length ' To Get The Length Of The Original Text
Dim M As Integer = Str.IndexOf(".") ' To Get The location Of Decimal Sign
If M > 0 Then
IntStr = Str.Remove(M, L - M) 'To Get Number Without Fractions
Frac = Str.Remove(0, M + 1) 'To Get Numbre of Fractions
ElseIf M = 0 Then : Frac = Str.Remove(0, M + 1)
ElseIf M < 0 Then : IntStr = Str : End If
If IntStr <> Nothing Then IntStr = Get_IntStr_E(IntStr)
If Frac <> Nothing Then Frac = Get_IntStr_E(Frac)
If IntStr <> Nothing Then Result = "Only " & IntStr & " Riyals "
If Frac <> Nothing Then Result &= ", " & Frac & " Halalah "
Return Result
End Function

Private Function Get_IntStr_E(ByRef S As String) As String
Dim Result As String
'Chek If S >= 11 And <= 19
If Val(S) >= 11 And Val(S) <= 19 Then
S = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_E(S)
S = S.Remove(0, 1) : Return S : Exit Function
End If
Dim I As Integer
Dim ROnes As String = "" : Dim RTens As String = "" : Dim RHun As String = ""
Dim RThus As String = "" : Dim RTenThus As String = "" : Dim RHunThus As String = ""
Dim RMln As String = "" : Dim RTenMln As String = "" : Dim RHunMln As String = ""
Dim SSS As String = "" : Dim J As Integer

Dim L As Integer = S.Length
For I = S.Length - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Val(S.Chars(I)) > 0 Then
Select Case I
Case L - 1 : ROnes = Get_Ones_E(S.Chars(I))
Case L - 2
For J = 0 To 7
If L = J + 2 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTens = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_E(SSS) : ROnes = Nothing
Else : RTens = Get_Tens_E(S.Chars(I)) : End If
Case L - 3 : RHun = Get_Hundreds_E(S.Chars(I))
Case L - 4 : RThus = Get_Thousands_E(S.Chars(I))
End Select
If L > 4 Then
Select Case I
Case L - 4 : RThus = Get_Ones_E(S.Chars(I))
RThus &= " Thousand "
Case L - 5
For J = 0 To 4
If L = J + 5 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTenThus = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_E(SSS) : RThus = Nothing
Else : RTenThus = Get_Tens_E(S.Chars(I)) : End If
If RThus = Nothing Then RTenThus &= " Thousand "
Case L - 6 : RHunThus = Get_Hundreds_E(S.Chars(I))
If (RTenThus = Nothing) And (RThus = Nothing) Then RHunThus &= " Thousand "
Case L - 7
If L = 7 Then : RMln = Get_Ones_E(S.Chars(I))
Else : RMln = Get_Ones_E(S.Chars(I)) : End If
RMln &= " Million "
Case L - 8
For J = 0 To 2
If L = J + 8 Then SSS = S.Substring(J, 2)
If Val(SSS) >= 11 And Val(SSS) <= 19 Then
RTenMln = Get_ValuesBN_11_19_E(SSS) : RMln = Nothing
Else : RTenMln = Get_Tens_E(S.Chars(I)) : End If

If (RMln = Nothing) Then RTenMln &= " Million "
Case L - 9 : RHunMln = Get_Hundreds_E(S.Chars(I))
If L = 9 Then
If (RMln = Nothing) And (RTenMln = Nothing) Then RHunMln &= " Million "
End If
End Select
End If
End If
Result = RHunMln & RTenMln & RMln & RHunThus & RTenThus & RThus & RHun & RTens & ROnes
Result = Result.Remove(0, 1)
Dim RR As String
Dim II As Integer = Result.IndexOf("*")
If II >= 0 Then : RR = Result.Replace("*", " ")
Else : RR = Result
End If
Return RR
End Function

Private Function Get_ValuesBN_11_19_E(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 11 : S = "*Eleven"
Case 12 : S = "*Twelve"
Case 13 : S = "*Therteen"
Case 14 : S = "*Fourteen"
Case 15 : S = "*Fifteen"
Case 16 : S = "*Sixteen"
Case 17 : S = "*Seventeen"
Case 18 : S = "*Eighteen"
Case 19 : S = "*Nineteen"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Ones_E(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*One"
Case 2 : S = "*Two"
Case 3 : S = "*Three"
Case 4 : S = "*Four"
Case 5 : S = "*Five"
Case 6 : S = "*Six"
Case 7 : S = "*Seven"
Case 8 : S = "*Eight"
Case 9 : S = "*Nine"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Tens_E(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*Ten"
Case 2 : S = "*Twenty"
Case 3 : S = "*Thirty"
Case 4 : S = "*Fourty"
Case 5 : S = "*Fifty"
Case 6 : S = "*Sixty"
Case 7 : S = "*Seventy"
Case 8 : S = "*Eighty"
Case 9 : S = "*Ninety"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Hundreds_E(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*One Hundred"
Case 2 : S = "*Two Hundred"
Case 3 : S = "*Three Hundred"
Case 4 : S = "*Four Hundred"
Case 5 : S = "*Five Hundred"
Case 6 : S = "*Six Hundred"
Case 7 : S = "*Seven Hundred"
Case 8 : S = "*Eight Hundred"
Case 9 : S = "*Nine Hundred"
End Select
Return S
End Function

Private Function Get_Thousands_E(ByVal S As String) As String
Select Case Val(S)
Case 1 : S = "*One Thousand"
Case 2 : S = "*Two Thousand"
Case 3 : S = "*Three Thousand"
Case 4 : S = "*Four Thousand"
Case 5 : S = "*Five Thousand"
Case 6 : S = "*Six Thousand"
Case 7 : S = "*Seven Thousand"
Case 8 : S = "*Eight Thousand"
Case 9 : S = "*Nine Thousand"
End Select
Return S
End Function
End Class
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة: technomedia

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
الموضوع : الكاتب الردود : المشاهدات : آخر رد
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التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم