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[سؤال] هل توجد امكانية resume لدى Backgroundworker
السلام عليكم جميعا

هل توجد امكانية resume لدى Backgroundworker

اريد عند الضغط على زر يتوقف ويرتاح ثم عند نقر زر آخر يستانف اي يكمل
هل هذا ممكن؟

شكر الله لكم جميعا.
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:

طريقة الأستاذ (الشاكي لله) أفضل في المشاركة (هل توجد امكانية resume لدى Backgroundworker)

الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة: سعود
ماشاء الله تبارك الله
فعلا هذا الكود...
هل لديك متسع من الوقت لارسل لك الكود الخاص بنسخ الاقسام والمنتديات و.....الى المرفقات باستثناء الاعضاء فقد جعلت لهم اجراء مستقل.
اريد ان تصحح الاخطاء وتختصر بعد الامور ...
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:

نعم، بقدر ما يتسع له وقتي.

الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
(16-10-14, 08:52 AM)vbnet كتب : .....

نعم، بقدر ما يتسع له وقتي.


طيب اخي الكريم الاجراء التالي كما تعلم ضمن backgroundworker وهو لنسخ الاقسام والمنتديات والمواضيع والمشاركات والمرفقات لا يتم الانتقال من قسم حتى يتم نسخ كافة منتدياته ولن يتم الانتقال من منتدى حتى يتم نسخ كافة مواضيعه ولن يتم الانتقال من موضوع حتى يتم نسخ كافة ردوده وكذلك المرفقات....وسبب ذلك الترقيم التلقائي فلقد جربت نسخ كافة الاقسام والمنتديات وحدهم ثم نسخت المواضيع وحدهم وكذلك الردود ووقعت في مشاكل المواضيع اليتيمة والمشاركات وايضا المنتديات التي فقدت اقسامها .

هذه الطريقة ناجحة لكن هل توجد طريقة افضل؟
كود :
Private Sub forums_importer_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles forums_importer.DoWork
        Dim vbcon As New MySqlConnection(gvbstr)
        Dim vbcom As New MySqlCommand("", vbcon)
        vbcom.CommandText = "select * from `forum` where `parentid`='-1' order by forumid"
        If vbcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
        End If
        Using vbdr As MySqlDataReader = vbcom.ExecuteReader
            Do While vbdr.Read
                If forums_importer.CancellationPending = True Then Exit Do : Exit Sub
                Dim cfinsertcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                Dim cfinsertcom As New MySqlCommand("", cfinsertcon)
                'insertcom.CommandText = "insert into mybb_forums(name,description,linkto,type,pid,parentlist,disporder,active,open,threads,posts,lastposter,lastposteruid,lastposttid,lastpostsubject,allowhtml,allowmycode,allowsmilies,allowimgcode,allowvideocode,allowpicons,allowtratings,usepostcounts,usethreadcounts,requireprefix,password,showinjump,style,overridestyle,rulestype,rulestitle,rules,unapprovedthreads,unapprovedposts,deletedthreads,deletedposts,defaultdatecut,defaultsortby,defaultsortorder) values(@name,@description,@linkto,@type,@pid,@parentlist,@disporder,@active,@open,@threads,@posts,@lastposter,@lastposteruid,@lastposttid,@lastpostsubject,@allowhtml,@allowmycode,@allowsmilies,@allowimgcode,@allowvideocode,@allowpicons,@allowtratings,@usepostcounts,@usethreadcounts,@requireprefix,@password,@showinjump,@style,@overridestyle,@rulestype,@rulestitle,@rules,@unapprovedthreads,@unapprovedposts,@deletedthreads,@deletedposts,@defaultdatecut,@defaultsortby,@defaultsortorder)"
                cfinsertcom.CommandText = "insert into mybb_forums(name,description,linkto,type,pid,parentlist,disporder,active,open,allowhtml,allowmycode,allowsmilies,allowimgcode,allowvideocode,allowpicons,allowtratings,requireprefix,password,showinjump,style,overridestyle,rulestype,rulestitle,rules,defaultdatecut,defaultsortby,defaultsortorder) values(@name,@description,@linkto,@type,@pid,@parentlist,@disporder,@active,@open,@allowhtml,@allowmycode,@allowsmilies,@allowimgcode,@allowvideocode,@allowpicons,@allowtratings,@requireprefix,@password,@showinjump,@style,@overridestyle,@rulestype,@rulestitle,@rules,@defaultdatecut,@defaultsortby,@defaultsortorder)"

                Dim cforumurl As String = "" & gvbfolder() & "/forumdisplay.php?f=" & vbdr.Item("forumid")
                ff("الاستعلام عن الاقسام")
                ff("قراءة رابط القسم: " & cforumurl)
                Dim cfhtml As String = ghtmlsrc(cforumurl)
                Dim cfdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument

                Dim qn As String = cfdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title").InnerText.Trim

                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", qn)

                ff(" حفظ القسم: " & qn)

                fl("قراءة القسم : " & qn)
                    Dim qd As String = cfdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p[@class='description']").InnerText.Trim
                    cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", qd)
                    ff(" وصف القسم : " & qd)
                Catch ex As Exception
                    cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", "")
                End Try
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@linkto", "")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@type", "c")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", "0")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parentlist", "")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@disporder", vbdr.Item("displayorder"))
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@active", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@open", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowhtml", "0")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowmycode", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowsmilies", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowimgcode", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowvideocode", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowpicons", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowtratings", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@requireprefix", "0")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", vbdr.Item("password"))
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@showinjump", "1")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@style", vbdr.Item("styleid"))
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@overridestyle", 0)
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rulestype", 0)
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rulestitle", "")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rules", "")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultdatecut", 0)
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultsortby", "")
                cfinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultsortorder", "")
                If cfinsertcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                End If
                ff(" تم حفظ القسم: " & qn & " بنجاح")
                'الان نبدا بحفظ المنتديات التابعة للاقسام

                Dim fcon As New MySqlConnection(gvbstr)
                Dim fcom As New MySqlCommand("", fcon)
                fcom.CommandText = "select * from `forum` where `parentid`='" & vbdr.Item("forumid") & "' order by forumid"
                If fcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                End If
                Using fdr As MySqlDataReader = fcom.ExecuteReader
                    If fdr.HasRows Then
                        ff("الاستعلام عن المنتديات التابعة للقسم")
                        ff("تم الحصول على منتديات تابعة للقسم: " & qn)

                        Do While fdr.Read
                            If forums_importer.CancellationPending = True Then Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Sub

                            Dim mcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                            Dim minsert As New MySqlCommand("", mcon)
                            minsert.CommandText = "insert into mybb_forums(name,description,linkto,type,pid,parentlist,disporder,active,open,allowhtml,allowmycode,allowsmilies,allowimgcode,allowvideocode,allowpicons,allowtratings,requireprefix,password,showinjump,style,overridestyle,rulestype,rulestitle,rules,defaultdatecut,defaultsortby,defaultsortorder) values(@name,@description,@linkto,@type,@pid,@parentlist,@disporder,@active,@open,@allowhtml,@allowmycode,@allowsmilies,@allowimgcode,@allowvideocode,@allowpicons,@allowtratings,@requireprefix,@password,@showinjump,@style,@overridestyle,@rulestype,@rulestitle,@rules,@defaultdatecut,@defaultsortby,@defaultsortorder)"
                            Dim fforumurl As String = "" & gvbfolder() & "/forumdisplay.php?f=" & fdr.Item("forumid")

                            ff("قراءة رابط المنتدى: " & fforumurl)
                            Dim ffhtml As String = ghtmlsrc(fforumurl)
                            Dim ffdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
                            Dim fnn As String = ffdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title").InnerText.Trim
                            Dim fd As String = ffdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p[@class='description']").InnerText.Trim

                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", fnn)
                            ff(" حفظ المنتدى: " & fnn)

                            fl(" نسخ المنتدى : " & fnn & " التابع للقسم : " & qn)

                                minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", fd)
                                ff(" حفظ الوصف:" & fd)

                            Catch ex As Exception
                                minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", "")
                            End Try

                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@linkto", "")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@type", "f")
                            Dim maxcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                            Dim maxcom As New MySqlCommand("", maxcon)
                            If maxcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                            End If
                            maxcom.CommandText = "select max(`fid`) from `mybb_forums` where `pid`='0'"
                            ff(" معرفة القسم الاب لهذا المنتدى")

                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", maxcom.ExecuteScalar)
                            If maxcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                            End If
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@parentlist", "")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@disporder", fdr.Item("displayorder"))
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@active", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@open", "1")
                            'minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@threads", fdr.Item("threadcount"))
                            'minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@posts", fdr.Item("replycount"))
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowhtml", "0")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowmycode", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowsmilies", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowimgcode", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowvideocode", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowpicons", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@allowtratings", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@requireprefix", "0")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", fdr.Item("password"))
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@showinjump", "1")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@style", fdr.Item("styleid"))
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@overridestyle", 0)
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rulestype", 0)
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rulestitle", "")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rules", "")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultdatecut", 0)
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultsortby", "")
                            minsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@defaultsortorder", "")
                            If mcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                            End If
                            ff(" تم حفظ المنتدى: " & fnn & " بنجاح")

                            If mcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                            End If
                            ''القراءة من الثريدز

                            Dim threadcon As New MySqlConnection(gvbstr)
                            Dim threadcom As New MySqlCommand("", threadcon)
                            threadcom.CommandText = "select * from `thread` where `forumid`=" & fdr.Item("forumid") & " order by threadid asc"
                            If threadcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                            End If
                            Using thrd As MySqlDataReader = threadcom.ExecuteReader
                                If thrd.HasRows Then
                                    Do While thrd.Read
                                        ' ff(" الاستعلام عن مواضيع تابعة للمنتدى : " & fnn)

                                        If forums_importer.CancellationPending = True Then Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Sub

                                        Dim threadinsertcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                        Dim threadinsertcom As New MySqlCommand("", threadinsertcon)
                                        'الاضافة الى جدول الثريدز
                                        threadinsertcom.CommandText = "insert into mybb_threads(fid,subject,uid,username,firstpost,lastpost,lastposter,lastposteruid,views,replies,closed,sticky,notes,visible,dateline) values(@fid,@subject,@uid,@username,@firstpost,@lastpost,@lastposter,@lastposteruid,@views,@replies,@closed,@sticky,@notes,@visible,@dateline)"
                                        Dim maxfcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                        Dim maxfid As New MySqlCommand("", maxfcon)
                                        maxfid.CommandText = "select max(`fid`) from `mybb_forums` where `type`='f'"
                                        Dim lfid As String = ""
                                        If maxfcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                        End If
                                        lfid = maxfid.ExecuteScalar
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fid", maxfid.ExecuteScalar)
                                        If maxfcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                                        End If
                                        Dim thurl As String = "http://localhost/" & gvbfolder() & "/showthread.php?t=" & thrd.Item("threadid")
                                        Dim thtml As String = ghtmlsrc(thurl)

                                        Dim kateb As String = gusername(thtml)
                                        Dim enwan As String = gtitle(thtml)


                                        ff("العنوان: " & enwan & " الكاتب: " & kateb)
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subject", enwan)
                                        ' fl("نسخ الموضوع رقم:  " & thrd.Item("threadid") & " التابع لمنتدى رقم: " & fdr.Item("forumid") & " التابع لقسم رقم: " & vbdr.Item("forumid"))

                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", thrd.Item("postuserid"))
                                        'Dim tunod As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = thdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='userinfo']/div/div/a")
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", kateb)
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstpost", thrd.Item("firstpostid"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastpost", thrd.Item("lastpostid"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastposter", "")
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lastposteruid", thrd.Item("postuserid"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@views", thrd.Item("views"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@replies", thrd.Item("replycount"))
                                        If thrd.Item("open") = "0" Then
                                            threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@closed", "1")
                                            threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@closed", "0")
                                        End If
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sticky", thrd.Item("sticky"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@notes", "")
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@visible", thrd.Item("visible"))
                                        threadinsertcom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateline", thrd.Item("dateline"))
                                        If threadinsertcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                        End If
                                        ff(" تم حفظ العنوان: " & enwan & " بنجاح")
                                        ' ff("_____________________________________________________")

                                        'الان القراءة من البوستس
                                        Dim postcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                        Dim maxtid As New MySqlCommand("select max(`tid`) from `mybb_threads`", postcon)
                                        If postcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                        End If
                                        Dim ltid As String = maxtid.ExecuteScalar
                                        If postcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                                        End If
                                        Dim vbc As New MySqlConnection(gvbstr)
                                        Dim postcom As New MySqlCommand("", vbc)

                                        postcom.CommandText = "select * from `post` where `threadid`=" & thrd.Item("threadid") & " order by postid asc"
                                        If vbc.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                        End If
                                        Dim mpostcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                        Using post As MySqlDataReader = postcom.ExecuteReader
                                            If post.HasRows Then
                                                Do While post.Read
                                                    If forums_importer.CancellationPending = True Then Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Sub

                                                    Dim postinsert As New MySqlCommand("", mpostcon)
                                                    postinsert.CommandText = "insert into mybb_posts(tid,subject,uid,fid,username,dateline,message,ipaddress,includesig,smilieoff,visible) values(@tid,@subject,@uid,@fid,@username,@dateline,@message,@ipaddress,@includesig,@smilieoff,@visible)"
                                                    Dim url2 As String = "" & gvbfolder.Trim & "/showthread.php?t=" & thrd.Item("threadid").ToString.Trim & "&p=" & post.Item("postid").ToString.Trim
                                                    Dim phtml As String = ghtmlsrc(url2)
                                                    Dim poenwan As String = gtitle(phtml)
                                                    Dim pokateb As String = gpostusername(phtml, post.Item("postid"))

                                                    ff("الاستعلام عن المشاركات التابعة للموضوع: " & enwan)
                                                    ff(" حفظ المشاركة: " & poenwan & " الكاتب: " & pokateb)
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tid", ltid)

                                                    '  fl("موضوع رقم: " & thrd.Item("threadid") & " مشاركة رقم: " & post.Item("postid"))
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@subject", poenwan)
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", post.Item("userid"))
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fid", lfid)
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@username", pokateb)
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dateline", post.Item("dateline"))
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@message", gpostmessage(phtml, post.Item("postid")))
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ipaddress", post.Item("ipaddress"))
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@includesig", post.Item("showsignature"))
                                                    If post.Item("allowsmilie") = "0" Then
                                                        postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@smilieoff", "1")
                                                        postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@smilieoff", "0")
                                                    End If
                                                    postinsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@visible", post.Item("visible"))

                                                    If mpostcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                                    End If
                                                    ff(" تم حفظ المشاركة بنجاح  ")
                                                    ' ff("=======================================================")
                                                    'النظر الى المرفقات
                                                    'النظر الى مرفقات المشاركة
                                                    Dim atacon As New MySqlConnection(gvbstr)
                                                    Dim atacom As New MySqlCommand("", atacon)

                                                    atacom.CommandText = "select * from `attachment` where `contentid`=" & post.Item("postid") & " order by attachmentid"
                                                    If atacon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                                    End If
                                                    Using atard As MySqlDataReader = atacom.ExecuteReader
                                                        If atard.HasRows Then
                                                            ff("الاستعلام عن المرفقات")
                                                            ff("<<<<<<<<<<  تم الحصول على  مرفقات  >>>>>>>>>>")
                                                            Do While atard.Read
                                                                If forums_importer.CancellationPending = True Then Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Do : Exit Sub

                                                                Dim ataurl As String = "http://localhost/" & gvbfolder() & "/attachment.php?attachmentid=" & atard.Item("attachmentid")
                                                                Dim mbcon As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                                                Dim toatt As New MySqlCommand("", mbcon)
                                                                toatt.CommandText = "insert into `mybb_attachments` (pid,uid,filename,filetype,filesize,attachname,visible) values(@pid,@uid,@filename,@filetype,@filesize,@attachname,@visible)"
                                                                Dim lpost As New MySqlConnection(gmybbstr)
                                                                Dim plastid As New MySqlCommand("", lpost)
                                                                plastid.CommandText = "select max(`pid`) from `mybb_posts`"
                                                                If lpost.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                                                End If
                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pid", plastid.ExecuteScalar)
                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@uid", atard.Item("userid"))
                                                                ff(" حفظ المرفق : " & atard.Item("filename"))
                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filename", atard.Item("filename"))
                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filetype", gfet(IO.Path.GetExtension(atard.Item("filename"))))

                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@filesize", gfs(ataurl))
                                                                If atard.Item("state") = "visible" Then
                                                                    toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@visible", "1")
                                                                    toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@visible", "0")
                                                                End If
                                                                Dim fa As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(atard.Item("filename"))
                                                                Dim fn As String = "post_" & atard.Item("userid") & "_" & ToTimeStamp(Date.UtcNow) & "_" & random_str() & ".attach"
                                                                toatt.Parameters.AddWithValue("@attachname", "attachments\" & fn)
                                                                If mbcon.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                                                                End If
                                                                Dim fold As String = "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\mybb\uploads\attachments\"
                                                                If IO.Directory.Exists(fold) = False Then
                                                                End If
                                                                ff("يتم استخراج الملف الى مسار مجلد " & vbNewLine & "./uploads/attachments" & vbNewLine & "قد يتطلب الامر التشغيل كمسؤول")
                                                                Dim wc As New WebClient
                                                                wc.Headers.Add("cookie", gco)
                                                                wc.DownloadFile(ataurl, fold & fn)
                                                                ' ff("تم حفظ المرفق: " & atard.Item("filename") & " بنجاح")
                                                                'xxxxxxxxxx  تم حفظ المرفق    xxxxxxxxxx
                                                                ff("<<<<<<<<<<  تم حفظ المرفق  بنجاح  >>>>>>>>>>")

                                                            ' ff("لم يتم العثور على مرفقات")
                                                        End If

                                                    End Using
                                                    'انتهاء النظر الى مرفقات المشاركة
                                                    If atacon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                                                    End If
                                            End If
                                        End Using
                                End If
                            End Using
                            'حلقة القراءة من جدول المنتديات
                        ff("لا يوجد منتدى")
                    End If
                End Using
                If fcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
                End If
                'حلقة القراءة من جدول الاقسام
        End Using
        If vbcon.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
        End If
    End Sub

وهذا الموديول
كود :
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Net
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Module Module1
    Public vbstr As String = ""
    Public mybbstr As String = ""
    Public co As String = ""
    Public vbfolder As String = ""
    Public mybbfolder As String = ""
    Public ok As String = ""
    Public Function toutf8(ByVal str As String) As String
        'supply True as the construction parameter to indicate
        'that you wanted the class to emit BOM (Byte Order Mark)
        'NOTE: this BOM value is the indicator of a UTF-8 string
        Dim utf8Encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding(True)
        Dim encodedString() As Byte
        encodedString = utf8Encoding.GetBytes(str)
        Return utf8Encoding.GetString(encodedString)
    End Function

    Public Function gvbstr()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        vbstr = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//vbhost").InnerText.Trim
        Return vbstr
    End Function

    Public Function gok()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        ok = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//ok").InnerText.Trim
        Return ok
    End Function

    Public Function gmybbstr()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        mybbstr = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//mybbhost").InnerText.Trim
        Return mybbstr
    End Function
    Public Function gco()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        co = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//vbcookie").InnerText.Trim
        Return co
    End Function

    Public Function gvbfolder()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        vbfolder = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//vbfolder").InnerText.Trim
        Return vbfolder
    End Function
    Public Function gmybbfolder()
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        hdoc.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\config.txt")
        mybbfolder = hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//mybbfolder").InnerText.Trim
        Return mybbfolder
    End Function

    Public Function ghtmlsrc(ByVal url As String) As String
        Dim wc As New WebClient
        wc.Headers.Add("cookie", gco)
        Return wc.DownloadString(url)
    End Function

    Public Function ToTimeStamp(ByVal target As DateTime) As Integer
        Dim [date] As New DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, target.Kind)
        Dim hubspotTimestamp As Integer = System.Convert.ToInt64((target - [date]).TotalSeconds)
        Return hubspotTimestamp '* 1000
    End Function
    Public Function random_str(Optional ByVal size = 8) As String
        Dim salt As String = String.Empty
        Dim characterList As String = "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ123456789"
        Dim rnd As New Random
        For i = 0 To size - 1
            salt &= characterList(rnd.Next(0, (Len(characterList) - 1)))
        Return salt
    End Function
    Public Function gfet(ByVal fileExtension As String) As String
        Dim FileExtensionName As String = ""

        For Each subKey As String In Registry.ClassesRoot.GetSubKeyNames()
            If String.IsNullOrEmpty(subKey) Then
                Continue For
            End If

            If subKey.CompareTo(fileExtension) = 0 Then
                Dim defaultValue As String = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(subKey).GetValue("").ToString()

                If defaultValue.Length = 0 Then
                    Exit For
                End If

                If FileExtensionName.Length = 0 Then
                    FileExtensionName = defaultValue
                    fileExtension = FileExtensionName
                    If defaultValue.Length > 0 Then
                        FileExtensionName = defaultValue
                    End If
                    Exit For
                End If
            End If
        Return FileExtensionName
    End Function

    Public Function gtitle(ByVal content As String) As String
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        Return hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//title").InnerText.Trim
    End Function

    Public Function gusername(ByVal content As String) As String
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
            Return hdoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='userinfo']/div/div/a").InnerText.Trim
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return "زائر او محذوف"
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function gpostusername(ByVal content As String, ByVal id As String) As String
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        Dim nod1 As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = hdoc.GetElementbyId("post_" & id)

        Dim doc2 As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
            Return doc2.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='userinfo']/div/div/a").InnerText.Trim

        Catch ex As Exception
            Return "محذوف او زائر"
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function gpostmessage(ByVal content As String, ByVal id As String) As String
        Dim hdoc As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
        Dim nod1 As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = hdoc.GetElementbyId("post_" & id)

        Dim doc2 As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
            ' Return doc2.GetElementbyId("post_message_" & id).InnerHtml
            Dim m As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = doc2.GetElementbyId("post_message_" & id)
            Dim mm As New HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument
            Dim h As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode = mm.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//blockquote")
            Return h.InnerHtml
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return "ناسف لحدوث خطا"
        End Try
    End Function

    Public Function gfs(ByVal url As String) As String
        Dim req As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
        req.Headers.Add("cookie", gco)
        Dim res As HttpWebResponse = req.GetResponse
        Return res.ContentLength
    End Function

End Module

الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
السلام عليكم

الطريقة الصحيحة لايقاف Thread او حتى BackgroundWorker هي باستخدام كائن يسمى ManualRestEvent وليست باستعمال الloop مع الSleep

هذا المثال التالي يشرح كيفية عمل ذلك :
كود :
Private mre As New ManualResetEvent(True)

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False
End Sub

Private Sub backgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs)

    For i As Integer = 0 To 9999999

        ' الكود اعلاه سيقوم بايقاف هذا الاجراء عندما يتم اعطاءه اشارة سلبية من اجراء اخر
        'الاشارة اما ان تكون ايجابية او سلبية
        'السلبية ستعني ايقاف هذا الاجراء
        'Reset() ويتم اعطاء الاشارة السلبية بواسطة الدالة
        'Set() ويتم اعطاء الاشارة الايجابية التي ستقوم باكمال هذا الاجراء بواسطة الدالة

        label1.Text = i.ToString()

End Sub

Private Sub PauseButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    'اعطاء اشارة سلبية
End Sub

Private Sub ResumeButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    'اعطاء اشارة ايجابية
End Sub

البرنامج :-

هذي هي الطريقة الصحيحة التي لاترهق المعالج وتقوم بوظيفتها على اكمل وجه
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة: سعود , kslawy , السندبااد , ابو روضة , asemshahen5

المواضيع المحتمل أن تكون متشابهة .
الموضوع : الكاتب الردود : المشاهدات : آخر رد
Star لا توجد مساحة كافية كريستال ريبورت مشكلة waataanys 1 247 08-10-23, 03:51 PM
آخر رد: justforit
  لا توجد امكانية اختيار splshscreen سعود 0 351 15-07-22, 07:22 AM
آخر رد: سعود
  [سؤال] مشكله في backgroundworker حسن الجلب 7 1,687 16-01-22, 05:20 PM
آخر رد: ابو روضة
  [سؤال] عب توجد طريقه للبحث للصور حسن الجلب 1 790 06-02-21, 07:30 AM
آخر رد: معاند الحظ
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه الكتابه علي الصور حسن الجلب 3 1,666 20-01-21, 10:57 PM
آخر رد: asemshahen5
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه بحث بالصور حسن الجلب 1 824 29-11-20, 11:22 AM
آخر رد: Anas Mahmoud
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه للتحقق إذا كانت الليست بوكس أو الكومبوبوكس متصله بقاعدة بيانات منه 1 1,184 29-08-20, 06:28 PM
آخر رد: Anas Mahmoud
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه لمعرفه عدد ايام الشهر وكذا السنه منه 1 1,140 03-08-20, 08:29 PM
آخر رد: asemshahen5
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه في عمل حذف الاعمده المحدده فقط داخل الجريد فيو العاديه منه 4 1,521 26-07-20, 03:36 PM
آخر رد: asemshahen5
  [سؤال] هل توجد طريقه لتوليد ارقام عشوائيه منه 3 1,921 19-07-20, 12:49 PM
آخر رد: قناص المدينة

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم