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[سؤال] كتابة كود
write a complete c++ program that uses stack ADT in infix to post fix expressioin conversion, your program should ask the user to input an infix expression and then prints the corresponding postfix expression

example if input was: A+(B*C-(D/E-F)*G)*H
the the output will be 

ممكن حدا يساعدني بكتابة الكود ضروري  Big Grin
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

أختي زهرة

هذا الحل موجود في الرابط التالي: Infix to Postfix expression

قمت بتجربته بواسطة ++Dev-C وهو عمل بشكل صحيح
PHP كود :
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int priority(char a) {
int temp;
    if (
== '^')
temp 1;
    else  if (
== '*' || == '/')
temp 2;
    else  if (
== '+' || == '-')
temp 3;

int main() {
string infix;
cout << "Enter an arithmetic expression: " << endl;


stringstream output;

    for (
unsigned i 0infix.length(); i++) {
        if (
infix[i] == '+' || infix[i] == '-' || infix[i] == '*' || infix[i] == '/' || infix[i] == '^') {
            while (!
operator_stack.empty() && priority(operator_stack.top()) <= priority(infix[i])) {
output << operator_stack.top();
        } else if (
infix[i] == '(') {
        } else if (
infix[i] == ')') {
            while (
operator_stack.top() != '(') {
output << operator_stack.top();
        } else {
output << infix[i];

    while (!
operator_stack.empty()) {
output << operator_stack.top();

cout << output.str() << endl;

cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');


الرد }}}
// Please enter your birthday in this
// format(including spaces):
// 22 01 1997

// I think that I have covered all possible
// wrong inputs (17 by now)!
// Please let me know if you find any other
// bugs or wrong inputs that I haven't covered.
// Thank you all for your support.

// And if you liked it don't forget to give
// a (+1) like.
// Thank you all for the likes!!!

// This code has won in the "The Greatest
// Sololearn Coder competition v3.0"
// in the 'LightWeight' category.

// By @ Michael Xanthopoulos

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
int DD = 32, MM = 13, YYYY = -1, NYYYY, NMM, IDAY, day, flag = 0;

string month[] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July",

cin >> DD;
cin >> MM;
cin >> YYYY;

//Error Message: User has given no input
if(DD == 32 && MM == 13 && YYYY == -1)
cout << " Please enter your birthday in this " << endl;
cout << " format(including spaces): " << endl;
cout << " DD MM YYYY " << endl;
cout << " 22 01 1997 " << endl;
return -1;

if(DD <= 0)
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Months" fields
if(MM <= 0)
cout << " We don't have negative or null days and months. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" field
cout << " We don't have negative or null days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

if(MM <= 0)
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" field
cout << " We don't have negative or null months. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

if(DD > 31 || MM > 12 || YYYY <= 0)
if(DD > 31 && MM > 12)
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days", "Months" & "Years" fields
if(YYYY <= 0)
cout << " We have 12 months, the days of a month are up to 31 " << endl;
cout << " and a year should be a positive number. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Months" fields
cout << " We have 12 months and " << endl;
cout << " the days of a month are up to 31. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;

else if(DD > 31 && MM <= 12)
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" & "Years" fields
if(YYYY <= 0)
cout << " The days of a month are up to 31 and " << endl;
cout << " a year should be a positive number. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Days" field
cout << " The days of a month are up to 31. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;

else if(DD <= 31 && MM > 12)
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" & "Years" fields
if(YYYY <= 0)
cout << " We have 12 months and " << endl;
cout << " a year should be a positive number. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Months" field
cout << " We have 12 months. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;

//Error Message: User has given invalid input for "Years" field
else if(DD <= 31 && MM <= 12 && YYYY <= 0)
cout << " A year should be a positive number. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

case 2:

if((YYYY % 400) == 0 || ((YYYY % 4) == 0 && (YYYY % 100) != 0))
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "February"
// and the requested "Year" is a leap year.
if(DD > 29)
cout << " The year " << YYYY << " is a leap year. " << endl;
cout << " So, February has up to 29 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "February"
// and the requested "Year" is not a leap year.
if(DD > 28)
cout << " The year " << YYYY << " isn't a leap year. " << endl;
cout << " So, February has up to 28 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

case 4:
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "April"
if(DD > 30)
cout << " April has up to 30 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

case 6:
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "June"
if(DD > 30)
cout << " June has up to 30 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

case 9:
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "September"
if(DD > 30)
cout << " September has up to 30 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

case 11:
//Error Message: User has requested an invalid day for the month "November"
if(DD > 30)
cout << " November has up to 30 days. " << endl;
cout << " Try again! " << endl;
return -1;

if(MM <= 2)
NMM = 0;
NMM = (4 * MM + 23) / 10;

//Calculating the day
IDAY = 365 * YYYY + DD + 31 * (MM - 1) - NMM + (NYYYY / 4) - ((3 * ((NYYYY / 100) + 1) / 4));

day = IDAY % 7;

//This 'flag' is used for displaying the right ending after the numbers
if(DD != 11 && DD != 12 && DD != 13)
flag = DD % 10;

case 0:
cout << " You were born on Saturday, ";

case 1:
cout << " You were born on Sunday, ";

case 2:
cout << " You were born on Monday, ";

case 3:
cout << " You were born on Tuesday, ";

case 4:
cout << " You were born on Wednesday, ";

case 5:
cout << " You were born on Thursday, ";

case 6:
cout << " You were born on Friday, ";

if(flag == 1){
cout << DD << "st of ";
else if(flag == 2){
cout << DD << "nd of ";
else if(flag == 3){
cout << DD << "rd of ";
cout << DD << "th of ";

cout << month[MM-1] << " of " << YYYY << "!" << endl;

cout << "\n And if you liked it, " << endl;
cout << " don't forget to give a (+1) like! " << endl;
cout << " Thank you! " << endl;

return 0;
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة:

التنقل السريع :

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