تقييم الموضوع :
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  • 5
A KeyCode to Strings Converter
كود :
' Name: A KeyCode to Strings Converter
' Description:It is a function that converts keycodes like those used in _KeyDown events, to strings like "Ctrl", "Alt", "F", "/", which are recognizable to the end-user. Great for game programmers.
' By: Alexander Chia (from psc cd)
' Inputs:KeyCode as Integer
' Returns:KeyStr as String
' Assumes:If the user presses Shift+3, the function will not return "#", but will return "3" instead. It also uses easily recognizable symbols to represent certain keys, e.g "~" instead of "`", "\" instead of "|", and "Pg Dn", "Enter", "Space", to represent other keys.
' Side Effects:If a key inputted does not match with any of the strings listed, the string returned will be "!".

Public Function KeyStr(KeyCode As Integer) As String
'Copyright Alexander Chia Yan Sheng
Select Case KeyCode
Case 65 To 90
KeyStr = Chr(KeyCode)
Case 48 To 57
KeyStr = Chr(KeyCode)
Case 13
KeyStr = "Enter"
Case 9
KeyStr = "Tab"
Case 112 To 123
KeyStr = "F" & LTrim(Str(KeyCode - 111))
Case 27
KeyStr = "Esc"
Case 192
KeyStr = "~"
Case 187
KeyStr = "="
Case 189
KeyStr = "-"
Case 219
KeyStr = "["
Case 220
KeyStr = "\"
Case 221
KeyStr = "]"
Case 186
KeyStr = ";"
Case 222
KeyStr = "'"
Case 188
KeyStr = ","
Case 190
KeyStr = "."
Case 191
KeyStr = "/"
Case 16
KeyStr = "Shift"
Case 20
KeyStr = "Caps Lock"
Case 144
KeyStr = "Num Lock"
Case 145
KeyStr = "Scr Lock"
Case 17
KeyStr = "Ctrl"
Case 18
KeyStr = "Alt"
Case 32
KeyStr = "Space"
Case 45
KeyStr = "Ins"
Case 46
KeyStr = "Del"
Case 33
KeyStr = "Pg Up"
Case 34
KeyStr = "Pg Dn"
Case 8
KeyStr = "Back"
Case 36
KeyStr = "Home"
Case 35
KeyStr = "End"
Case 37
KeyStr = "Left Arrow"
Case 38
KeyStr = "Up Arrow"
Case 39
KeyStr = "Right Arrow"
Case 40
KeyStr = "Down Arrow"
Case 106
KeyStr = "* [Num Pad]"
Case 107
KeyStr = "+ [Num Pad]"
Case 111
KeyStr = "/ [Num Pad]"
Case 109
KeyStr = "- [Num Pad]"
Case Else
KeyStr = "!"
End Select
End Function
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة: Ahmed_Mansoor , Amir_Alzubidy , awidan76 , awidan76
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أهلا بك أخي الكريم , كود جميل ومفيد , بارك الله فيك وجزاك الله كل خير .
كود :
For Each Breathe in MyLife
Breathe.Say " سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر أستغر الله العظيم وأتوب إليه"
الرد }}}
تم الشكر بواسطة: viv , Amir_Alzubidy , awidan76

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم