تقييم الموضوع :
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معرفة سيريال Drive معين
كاتب الموضوع : AhmedEssawy

في التصريحات :

كود :
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib _
"kernel32.dll" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" _
(ByVal lpRootPathName As String, _
ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, _
ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Integer, _
lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, _
lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, _
lpFileSystemFlags As Long, _
ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, _
ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long
الكود :

كود :
Public Function DriveSerialNumber(ByVal Drive As String) As Long

'usage: SN = DriveSerialNumber("C:\")

Dim lAns As Long
Dim lRet As Long
Dim sVolumeName As String, sDriveType As String
Dim sDrive As String
'Deal with one and two character input values
sDrive = Drive
If Len(sDrive) = 1 Then
sDrive = sDrive & ":\"
ElseIf Len(sDrive) = 2 And Right(sDrive, 1) = ":" Then
sDrive = sDrive & "\"
End If

sVolumeName = String$(255, Chr$(0))
sDriveType = String$(255, Chr$(0))

lRet = GetVolumeInformation(sDrive, sVolumeName, _
255, lAns, 0, 0, sDriveType, 255)
DriveSerialNumber = lAns
End Function
تم الشكر بواسطة:

التنقل السريع :

يقوم بقرائة الموضوع: بالاضافة الى ( 1 ) ضيف كريم